So, you want to find a job! There are many things to consider as you prepare for your future career. The goal of this section is to offer online resources that will help you to discover your gifts, talents, and interests. Once you know more about you, we'll help you decide on a career that suits you and a course of action that will take you to your dream job. Visit the links below from left to right to get started on your journey. If you need a worksheet to help you, click here.
Interest InventoriesWhat are your talents? What interests you? What kind of an income do you need to maintain the lifestyle you want? This is where you begin.
Career SelectionNow that you know what you're good at, it's time to choose a career. The possibilities before you are endless. Hear people talk about their careers and make the best choice for yourself!
Goals & Pathways to AchieveYou know what you want to become, but do you know how to get there? It starts with a little goal setting followed by consideration of the different pathways available to you.